Raising Tech Higher:
Mastering the Language
of Technology

Experts in Tech Communications: Translating, Localizing, and Creating High Tech Content

Technology has transformed our world, and language services are essential to making the most of its transformative potential. From software and hardware developers to manufacturers, distributors, and retail chains, Tomedes offers the expert language services that you need to expand into new markets, communicating what�s special about your products and services. We�ve invested in creating a talented team of translators who know more than 100 languages at the mother-tongue level and possess specialized knowledge of virtually all domains of science and technology. Our linguists have the knowledge required to write, translate, edit and proof any technical, marketing, or sales document. Our managers closely supervise each project to ensure delivery on time and within budget.

Our Language Services Include

Marketing Translation

Conveying the emotional impact of marketing communications and branding message is an expert skill that cannot be entrusted to machines or junior staffers. Tomedes assigns only senior linguists with marcom expertise to translate your marketing and sales collateral perfectly. We guarantee it.

Technical Translation

Documentation is an essential part of every tech project. Whether it�s a Help system or a FAQ page, a product manual or service instructions, code comments or specialized white paper, our international force of thousands of talented translators are on call to deliver documents as exact in wording as the originals.

Financial Reports

Every tech company needs to translate financial documentation, especially quarterly and annual financial reports, for various stakeholders. Tomedes translators combine tech and finance expertise so translated documents are correct in their fine details and compliant with legal and regulatory requirements.

Website Localization

Every company with international orientation that produces a website must consider and implement the need for multiple language translations, currency and measurement adaptations, and cultural nuances that vary from one country and region to another. Tomedes excels at this.

Digital Content Writing

Writing digital content is a specialized art form. Content creators must to be fluent at the mother-tongue level in the subject manner but these days far more as well. Tomedes authors create headlines that click and excel in creating the linguistic ecosystems required for SEO and SEM in every project they tackle

Quality Assurance and Testing

Software is never done till it has been tested and retested by qualified professionals who know the systematic methods of QA and implement them with diligence. We assign professionals who enjoy finding bugs in your software and screens so that you can fix them before your customers find them.

Proofreading and Editing

It�s a rule of thumb to always have two or more pairs of eyes on each document, and this is especially true for high tech materials. Tomedes assigns editors and proofreaders to check the work of each writer and each translator, whether ours, yours, or a third party�s. We guarantee perfection.

Marketing Content Writing

Translating marketing communications in an artform. It�s not enough that the translator is technically correct. The translation needs to appeal to both head and heart, taking into account subtle local factors to gauge which words achieve the optimal effect. Tomedes linguists are sensitive to both language and market nuances to get your messages across most persuasively to each target audience.

Technical Content Writing

It may be hard to believe that some writers enjoy creating technical documentation but Tomedes knows with certainty that it�s true, because many of them work for us. Whether it�s a service manual or a help system, a white paper or a functional description, we have domain experts with the special knowledge you need.


High tech firms have plenty of live events, conferences, and trade shows in international settings. Often one language does not suffice to satisfy the needs of your audiences, so Tomedes can provide mother tongue simultaneous translators who can make everyone in your audience feel important to you.

Multilingual Digital Services

Digital communications is a rapidly growing and changing field. Adding additional languages to the mix multiplies project complexity by an order of magnitude. Tomedes has the expertise to manage and execute a full range of digital services � in software, web and social media � to get the job done for you.

Why Choose Us ?


24/7 Customer Service

  • Personal project manager
  • Support and assistance via email, phone and chat

1-year guarantee

  • Post-completion project support
  • Comprehensive quality assurance

Fast Delivery

  • Availability for urgent orders
  • Working around the clock to provide the best, fastest service

95,000 Business Customers

  • Fortune 500 companies trust Tomedes translation agency
  • Official and selected Google and Android partner

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Call : +972 (0)72 220 0700


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Call: +44 (0)16 1509 6140

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