German Translation Services for Any Document

German translation services for any document medium and type. Translate and certify your documents to and from German or 120 more languages. Our team of native German translators have translated thousands of documents whether for official or professional use.

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Fast and Accurate German Translation Services By Native Linguists

At Tomedes, our translation projects are managed and overseen by native German translators specializing in various fields for German, English, and our other 120+ languages. We offer a 1-year quality guarantee on all projects for German translation services. With our 24/7 international customer support team, we ensure that whatever issue you have, we will be able to accommodate them right away. Our former and returning clients reported a 98% satisfaction rate for our same-day delivery of certified German translation services. We ensure that all our translation projects are accurate and precise despite providing fast translations.

English To German Translation

There are an estimated 130 million native German speakers worldwide. German-speaking nations like Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein are leading export countries, with Germany ranking third having an export worth of 1.67 billion USD in 2021. This led to many international companies wanting to enter and do business in these markets. When it is time to enlist the services of a professional English to German translation ally, Tomedes is here every step of the way. We have a precise vetting process for each translator to assess their expertise, as well as a review process that promises each unique project is repeatedly scrutinized for style, content, vocabulary, and grammar before we return the final draft. All this while maintaining adherence to the exacting criteria of the International Standards of Organization, based out of Geneva, Switzerland (ISO). For these reasons and more we have repeat clients in not only business and commerce but also the public sector, for official projects such as German embassy translation services.

German To English Translation Services

As mentioned, many of the German-speaking countries are considered top exporters for cars and automotives, pharmaceuticals and chemical products, aircraft, and more. With exporting products to the global market comes the need for German translation services. In addition to German translation services from English, we also offer a host of German to English translation services for every market sector and business niche. From initial consultation through to final project editing, we pair each client with a specialized language professional best suited to every project’s individual needs. Tomedes provides translation of certified documents from German to English as well as live, in-person interpretation of events, seminars, or trade shows, in addition to the translating of audio-visual media such as documentaries, recorded lectures, or podcasts. We are your one-stop-shop for accessing global markets and audiences.

Our German Language Translation Services

For over 15 years, Tomedes has helped private and public sector organizations and business enterprises as they broaden their horizons. We call on a hand-picked and highly-vetted roster of more than 20,000 translators, linguists, vendors, localizers and interpreters as well as international language academics with prestigious credentials.


Our vendor partners can translate in over 120 major global languages, such as German, English, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, and Russian. Additionally, we are able to translate and interpret many more minor languages and dialects, such as Amharic, Cantonese, Ukrainian and Haitian Creole. This means Tomedes is well-equipped to translate between 950+ language pairs, so no project no matter how big or small is beyond the scope of our elite-level translation services.


Our professional German translation service is also technologically driven. That is why some of our customers have included internet and digital corporate powerhouses such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. These name brands have returned as repeat clients because Tomedes is tech savvy, while always lending a human element to each translation project, telling a unique story for each customer and helping enterprises branch out globally by engaging with audiences and demographics.

German Translation Services For Professional Industries

Our team of certified translators caters to thousands of international businesses and Fortune 500 companies for their German translation services worldwide. Tomedes provides German document translations for legal, financial, medical, and business purposes. Our native translators ensure that all of our translation projects convey the message accurately and in the context of German culture and beliefs. Here are some of the industries we specialize in.




Currently, the German FinTech industry is the fourth largest FinTech market worldwide and the second largest in Europe. For this reason, we have seen a demand for German translation services for this sector over the years. Tomedes supports the FinTech and Financial sector through our German financial translations, ensuring that the translated data presented are precise and accurate. Just some of the financial documents we translate are cash flow statements, tax returns, profit and loss statements, etc.


See how we translate FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS


Germany has the fourth largest manufacturing output in the world. With manufacturing comes the need for technical documents in various languages to accommodate the needs of their international users. Tomedes supports German technical translations for many of Germany’s international companies, like SAP. We translate technical documents such as user manuals, product specifications and descriptions, patents, assembly manuals, and more in English, German, and our other 120+ languages.


See how we translate TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS


Many German-speaking countries are members of the EU and EFTA, which allows free trade among European countries. But under these economic trade groups, companies must comply with the legal requirements before proceeding to do business in any of the European markets. With Tomedes, we offer German legal translations for companies and private clients who wish to do trade or work with the other member countries of these economic trade groups. We provide translations for legal documents, such as contracts, licenses, government and legal ruling reports, articles of incorporation, etc.


See how we translate LEGAL DOCUMENTS


German-speaking countries are one of the largest exporters of pharmaceutical products worldwide. With 67% of Germans speaking another foreign language, healthcare and medical companies must accommodate this need for multilingual medical content. Due to language barriers being a problematic issue in the international healthcare industry, Tomedes provides certified German medical translations for healthcare professionals, hospitals, medical companies, and patients. We offer translations for medical documents, like consent forms, patient records, medical devices manuals, etc.


See how we translate MEDICAL DOCUMENTS

German Translations For Official Documents

German immigration has a long history in the US, with about 40 million people claiming to come from German ancestry. In 2020, more than 18,700 Germans emigrated to the US. Most likely, this number will continue to grow in the future. If you’re looking for German-certified translations for your official documents, our team of certified translators will ensure that your documents comply with the USCIS and other governing bodies that will evaluate them so you can study, work, and live in the US.



Trivia About German

German is one of the major languages of the world, and Germany has the largest economy in Europe by country. It is also the official language of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and the Italian province of South Tyrol, while also being a co-official language of Luxembourg and Belgium, as well as a national language in Namibia. The Germanic diaspora has reached worldwide with significant ethnic enclaves in South and North America, Asia, Africa and Australia.

Something Unique About German

German is the most spoken language in the European Union, and a top-five spoken language in all of Eurasia after other far-teaching languages such as Chinese and Russian. Most of English grammar and much of English vocabulary is heavily influenced by German, while German also demonstrates significant crossover with Scandinavian languages such as Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian.

German Has Left Its Mark On Various Major Fields Of Study

The German language has been heavily influential in the fields of philosophy, theology, science, and technology. After English, German is the second most commonly used scientific language and among the most widely used global languages on websites. 


This is part of the reason why Germany is such a manufacturing heavyweight in the world economy. Germany excels in the fields of engineering and automation, as well as in the automobile industry, so any company seeking to network with German corporate enterprises will see their potential increase with the help of German language translation.


Tomedes is here to connect clients with experts for German language translation services, so don’t hesitate to contact our administrative staff, day or night, regardless of your location or time zone.

Commonly Translated German Phrases

German possesses three different noun forms: masculine, feminine, and neutral.

Additionally, German has two forms of ‘you’, the formal and informal, being Sie and du.


There are a lot of vocabulary and grammatical similarities between German and English, so maybe you can observe some overlap between these two global languages in the following list of common phrases:


  • Good day (formal)

  • Guten Tag. (GOO-ten tahk)

  • Good day (informal)

  • Hallo

  • How are you? (used as a real question, not a form of greeting.)

  • Wie geht's? (vee GATES?)

  • Fine, thank you. 

  • Gut, danke. (goot, DAN-keh)

  • What is your name? (formal) 

  • Wie heißen Sie? (vee HIGH-sun zee?). This is actually "What are you called?"

  • What is your name? (informal) 

  • Wie heißt du? (vee HIGHST doo?) Again, this translates to literally "How are you called?"


What do you think?

See any words that look or sound familiar?

Contact Tomedes For a German Language Translator

If you need German medical translation services or German legal translation services, or if you are a state representative or work for an NGO in the public sector, Tomedes is here to provide consultation and price quotes at all times.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are just a phone call or email away from helping you cross borders and expand the boundaries of both enterprise and imagination.

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