Arabic Translation Services for All Document Types

Arabic translation services for all document types and mediums. Translate and certify your documents to and from Arabic or 120 more languages. Our team of native Arabic translators have translated over hundreds of Arabic documents for official or professional use.

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High-Quality Arabic Translation Services with a 98% Customer Satisfaction Rating

We understand the complexities of Arabic English translation services, and that there is a fine line between translating words to another language. At Tomedes, our professional team of language scientists investigates every aspect of what you’re trying to convey, including a country’s culture, tone, and beliefs. We guarantee our English to Arabic translation service meets your expectations every time, and it’s another reason we have a 98% customer satisfaction rate.

English To Arabic Translation Services

Do you need to communicate with an Arabic speaking audience? Perhaps you need human resource materials translated for Arabic-speaking employees overseas, or maybe you need to translate your marketing materials for Middle Eastern countries. 

With our English to Arabic translation services, you can be confident that your message is conveyed as precisely as possible. You don't have to settle for a loose or rough translation that merely captures the general idea. We understand that your business is your passion and very important to you. We provide the absolute best English to Arabic translation services possible from a global network translators. An immediate free quote on the top menu can get you started, or you can engage our chat system to answer specific questions.

With over 20,000 native translators, our English to Arabic translation service is backed by vetted, experienced, and highly educated linguists located all over the world. Part of our secret to providing fast, efficient service lies in our incredible language team. 

We’ve handled certified financial, legal, and scientific English to Arabic translation services for a variety of complex transactions. With our 24/7 customer support, our clients know they have full support in every aspect of their project. With over a decade of experience, we’ve helped thousands of industries broaden their horizons and expand to a global audience.

Arabic To English Translation Services

Whether you need subtitles or English dubbing for an Arabic movie, Arabic business documents in English, or Quran texts translated to English, Arabic translation service can only be provided professionally and accurately by human translators like those at Tomedes. We provide Arabic to English translation for even the most technical, industry-specific materials and documents, using only highly skilled, experienced Arabic translators. 

With Tomedes’ document translation for Arabic to English translation services, we’ve helped Fortune 500 businesses discover international expansion to new markets. Part of our philosophy is to become your business partner as we help convey your true meaning to your brand. Our professional translators help you show the world your powerful message, and we do it with high-quality, official, Arabic translation services.

Certified Arabic Translation for Official Use

There are more than a million foreign born Arabic speakers in the United States and thousands more arrive each year. Your documents shouldn’t only be translated but they also need to be certified by companies like Tomedes. 

When you need certified translation services, all our documents are guaranteed to be accepted at any institution internationally. This includes government entities, private institutions, and any jurisdictions. Our Arabic-certified translation services come standard with Tomedes’ seal of certification. With our quality assurance language team, we do all the research for the requirements of your target country so there will be no legal surprises.



Arabic Translation for Specialized Documents

At Tomedes, we believe in change and making you and your business better, and that’s why we consider all our clients our business partners. In our vast experience of Arabic translation service spanning over a decade, we’ve helped Arabic businesses solve industry issues of every type, and cemented partnerships and friendships. Here are a few of our diverse industries.


The field of the sciences has seen an exciting burst of ingenuity, and we’ve been alongside many of the leaders in science. With our Arabic medical translation services, we’ve produced official medical documents that were required in other languages and made certain the culture and terminology were properly conveyed. With our 1-year guarantee, you can be sure that your medical documents are up to par with health science standards.


See how we translate MEDICAL DOCUMENTS


Perhaps in no other industry is language as important as the legal field. In our Arabic legal translation services, our legal translators understand the language of law and are versed in legal terminology, codes, and phrasing in both the origin and target language. We understand that errors can have devastating consequences in law, and that’s why our quality assurance team thoroughly examines your completed translation.


See how we translate LEGAL DOCUMENTS


Arabic-speaking countries are one of the most developed in the world when it comes to engineering and construction and they are continuously innovating in the field. For even the most complex industry jargon, our Arabic technical translation services are provided by translators with experience and skill. For an immediate free quote, simply choose your language from the top menu, fill in your text or upload your document.


See how we translate TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS

More About The Arabic Language

Official Arabic English translation services should accompany the true meaning of the country, and our translators spend a lot of time researching this. Arabic is the official language of 22 countries that comprise the Arab League. There are more than 300 million Arabic speakers across the globe, and most live in the region spanning the Middle East and North Africa.

Trivia About Arabic

Arabic is a Central Semitic language, keenly related to Aramaic and Hebrew. Traditional Arabic, or Fusha, is the classic form of the language used in media and formal settings. The form Aamiya, which is known as spoken Arabic, has many variations and is used in ordinary conversation. All of these variables are important in Arabic translations, and we make certain this is conveyed in the translation.

Arabic Constructs

Like many languages, Arabic has a complex and unique method of constructing words from their basic root. The pattern of three letters such as ‘k-t-b’, is the foundation of words that include the semantic field of writing.

The word “kitaab’ means “a book,’ and “maktab,” which means a desk or office. By using the root system, direct translation, especially of poetic texts, is difficult, as the root of a word may contain a meaning that might take more than one sentence to translate. Fortunately, our professional linguists for English to Arabic translation services can handle it. They understand that the beauty of this difficulty is that it conveys a depth, meaning, and emotions not present in other languages.

The Arabic Word(s) For Love

Language is full of meaning, and as our Arabic to English translation services understands, that meaning must be accurately shown. The Arabic word for love is actually more than one. There are at least 11 words for love and each of them conveys a different stage of the emotion of love. 

For example, the word ‘hawa,’ describes the initial attraction to someone or the early stages of love. The term comes from the root word ‘h-w-a,’ meaning an uneven wind that rises and falls. ‘Alaaqa,’ from the root word ‘a-l-q,’ ‘means to cling on to’ and describes the next stage of love when the heart begins to attach itself to the other.

Dialects of Arabic and How They Relate to Translation

There are dialects of Arabic that demand a professionally trained, experienced Arabic translator who can aptly translate each one into English. This cannot be done accurately with any automatic machine translator. To prevent any embarrassing mistranslation, only skilled human translators and professional Arabic translation services are appropriate. Here are just a few notable reasons to employ a professional translation service to translate Arabic to English:

Translating the Holy Quran is one of the most popular Arabic language translation requests. Be aware, though, the language of the Quran is not the language of everyday Arabic, known as Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Only those who are professionally trained to translate Classical Arabic (CA) – the language of the Quran - should translate the texts of the Quran into English. This requires a formal education and knowledge of CA. Taking any shortcuts could be misleading, inaccurate, and potentially very offensive.

Generally speaking, there are four colloquial dialects of Arabic. Egyptian Arabic; Moroccan Arabic – also spoken in Algeria and Tunisia; Levant Arabic – spoken in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine; and Gulf Arabic – spoken in Gulf countries.

Among these colloquial Arabic variations are hundreds of regional dialects and localizations that require different translations. For example, a Moroccan Arabic translation is different from an Iraqi Arabic to English translation, because usually, these two dialects are not mutually intelligible.

Don't make the false assumption that any version of Arabic in any country will translate into English the same way. You risk your reputation as well as your business's, unless you use a professional, human Arabic translation service like Tomedes.

Commonly Translated Arabic Phrases

There are many people living in Arabic regions that still don’t understand Arabic enough to follow a conversation. Yet knowing some of the most basic translated phrases is helpful when traveling.


  • Maafi Mushki (pronounced mar-fi moosh-key-la) No problem.

  • Hala (pronounced ha-la) Informal hello.

  • Walaikum Assalam (pronounced wal-eye-kum ass-a-lam) Peace be upon you.

  • Habeebi/Habeebti (pronounced ha-bee-bee/ha-beeb-tee) My love.

  • Khallas (pronounced ka-las) Finished, stop, has enough, etc.

  • Habeebi Get out of my face

  • Assalam Alaikum (pronounced ass-a-lam al-eye-kum) Peace be upon you.

  • Insha'Allah (pronounced in-shar-ah-la) How’s it going?

  • Masha'Allah (pronounced mash-ar-ah-la) God has willed it.

  • Ahlan Wa Sahlan (pronounced ah-lan wa sar-lan) Welcome

  • Marhaba (pronounced mar-ha-ba) Another way of saying hello.

  • Masalamah (pronounced mass-a-lar-ma) Goodbye.

  • Shukran (pronounced shook-ran) Thank you.

  • Mabrook (pronounced ma-brook) Congratulations.

  • La afham (pronounce la af-am) I don’t understand.

  • Min Fadlak (pronounced min fad-lak) Please.

  • Madhaa qalt? What did you say?

  • Hal yumkinuk attaHadduth bibuT’ Can you speak more slowly?

  • Hal tatakalam al’ingiliiziyya? Do you speak English?

  • Naäam Yes

  • Laa  No

Contact Us for an Arabic Translator

Are you ready to reach new global audiences and become our business partner in Arabic translation services? With our 24/7 customer support, we are here to listen to you. We’ve helped thousands of industries reach new milestones and now it’s your turn. Our tech-driven language task force includes over 20,000 vendors, translators, localizers, and linguists, and we all have one goal: your success and 100% customer satisfaction. Even for complicated, certified translations, you are covered with our iron-clad 1-year guarantee for any revisions. Why not contact us today to discuss your business goals, expectations, and dreams? We’re here to make them happen.

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